Our Daily Show! Ft. Alderwoman Allen, New Illinois, and Renegade Artsy!

June 19, 2023 | 1,206 views |
On this Monday Morning in the Heart of the Riverbend... we kick things off with 1st Ward Alderwoman Betsy Allen! Alderwoman Allen calls into the show to fill us in on the upcoming meeting at City Hall on Tuesday, June 20th at 2 pm Regarding Public Safety in Downtown Alton. Mayor Goins and Chief Ford will be in attendance along with Alderwoman Allen to discuss recommendations prior to City Council implementation. In the 10'clock we are joined by phone by G.H. Merrit Chairman of New Illinois. We get her insights on the organization and its plans and goals for the separation going forward. At 10:35 we are joined by Sarah and Mollie Bettes Renegade Artsy! We learn all about their crafts, how they started, and ways we can pick up some of their amazing pieces!
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