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ALTON - After a successful opening weekend of their last princess-themed concert, Alton Little Theater now welcomes guests to this weekend’s “Princesses & Company Cabaret Concert.” Featuring Disney princesses, elaborate costumes, classic songs, and more, Executive Director Lee Cox said the theater looks forward to another weekend of family fun at ALT.

Cox said the concert makes for an immersive experience as youth attendees recognize the various songs and settings.

“That’s what we love, is to have them sit down front, to feel part of it - and when the projection changes, they know exactly where they are and what they need to get prepared to sing,” Cox said. “I mean, I thought I was pretty good at the words, but wow.”

Cox added that tickets are still available on the ALT website for the “Princesses & Company Cabaret Concert,” including the 7:30 p.m. evening showing on Friday, June 7, 2024, as well as the 2 p.m. afternoon showings on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9, 2024.

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Cox recalled last week’s Princess, Princes, & Not Too Naughty Villains Cabaret Concert as a tremendous success.

“It was charming and adorable,” Cox said of the opening weekend. “This was wonderful and we had great volunteer help, so I was so happy.”

Last weekend’s festivities also saw a “dance-a-thon” dancing marathon and some pancake-flipping showmanship from Chris Cakes of St. Louis at the Pancake Breakfasts with the Princesses, which were held last Saturday, June 1, 2024.

“We got wonderful pictures and the parents were just beaming,” Cox said. “Chris came in and did the pancakes. It was so much fun - and those little girls, they are very competitive.”

Going forward, Cox hopes to pack the house at ALT for their August production of “Oliver! The Musical.” Cox said the show features a cast of 32 actors, including 20 “adorable youth” and 12 “very patient, talented” adults.

Seven total performances of “Oliver!” are slated throughout August, including 7:30 p.m. evening showings on Aug. 2, 3, 8, and 9, 2024 and 2 p.m. matinees on August 4, 10 and 11, 2024. More details and links to purchase tickets for each date are available on the ALT website.

To learn more about this weekend’s “Princesses & Company Cabaret Concert,” ALT’s upcoming production of “Oliver! The Musical,” and much more going on at ALT, visit their website or check out the full “Theater Thursday” segment with Cox at the top of this story or on

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