GODFREY - Theodora Farms offers some of the freshest food available in the Riverbend region.

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The 30-acre farm, located at 4835 N. Alby Road in Godfrey, grows USDA-certified organic vegetables and herbs. Their FarmStore also offers a variety of products from Theodora Farms and other farms in the area.

“You’re going to have quality that is unmatched compared to a grocery store,” explained Jeffrey Adams, farm production manager. “It starts with quality. Local small farms produce higher-quality products and vegetables than you’ll find in the grocery store that’s coming from the coasts or Mexico.”

Adams pointed out that food in the grocery store is often shipped hundreds of miles, warehoused and then displayed, while the certified organic produce at the FarmStore is harvested that same day. Theodora Farms produces its own salad greens, turnips, radishes, tomatoes, beets, carrots, squash, cucumbers and much more.

In addition to herbs and produce, the FarmStore offers a variety of items, from cheese, milk, eggs, bread, pretzels, jams, teas and chips to laundry detergent, skincare products and deodorant. Farm operations manager Megan Tyminski said that shopping at the FarmStore is a “curated experience,” with employees eager to assist customers and provide guidance about the produce and food items that are best for their needs.

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“I think the store is a really special place because we don't really have anything in our community that offers the kind of food that we do,” Tyminski said. “It’s pretty hard to find organic and local food in our community, especially ones that are high-quality and taste really awesome. I really love going there because I know that everything that I’m buying from there is going to be good for my family’s health.”

While there’s a lot to be proud of at Theodora Farms, the team especially prides itself on their USDA-certified organic standing. Every product that touches the crops is OMRI-certified, meaning it passes guidelines set forth by the Organic Materials Review Institute to be used on organic crops. Tyminski explained that their produce isn’t only fresh, it’s better.

“I believe that organic food is really important for human health and environmental health,” she added. “I think there’s an argument that organic food is more expensive sometimes, but I think what folks don’t always understand is what the hidden costs are when you buy conventional food. What does that do to your health? What does that do to the environment? It makes me feel good at the end of the day knowing that people in my community and my neighbors are able to come here and have that as a service to them.”

Adams encourages anyone who is curious about Theodora Farms to stop by and check it out for themselves. They are happy to give tours of the property and answer any questions. They also hope to see more people in the FarmStore as the season goes on, with lots of great food and products available all summer long.

“A lot of people drive by here and think that you can't come up onto the farm, and I just want to reassure folks that we have a FarmStore here on site and it’s available to the public. Come and check it out,” he said. “If you’re interested in how we’re farming and our practices, we’ll always take time to stop and share with you what we’re growing and show you the fields if you’re curious.”

You can visit TheodoraFarms.com or check out their official Facebook page and Instagram profile for more information about everything Theodora Farms has to offer.

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