EAST ST. LOUIS – The Illinois State Police (ISP) conducted a firearms enforcement blitz with details in all 102 counties across the state from June 16 through July 31, 2022. The enforcement details are designed to ensure those who have had their firearm rights revoked are in compliance with the Firearms Owners Identification Card (FOID) Act.

“ISP is continuously and aggressively looking for ways to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of those posing a significant threat to themselves or others,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “Through these enforcement details, we are strengthening our impact in reducing gun violence and protecting our communities.”

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During the enforcement blitz, ISP completed 201 details statewide consisting of 1,742 compliance checks. As a result of these efforts, 1,027 individuals were placed into compliance by surrendering their FOID Cards, transferring all firearms out of their possession, and completing a Firearm Disposition Record. ISP completed 74 details in southern Illinois (Zones 6, 7, and 8) consisting of 710 compliance checks resulting in 295 individuals placed into compliance.

“Firearms have been the leading tool for violent crime in our area. With the uprising of violent crime post-COVID, it is extremely important that we as law enforcement take a strong stance when it comes firearm enforcement,” said East Saint Louis Police Department Chief of Police Kendall Perry. “Through our partnership with the Illinois State Police, my officers, along with the PSEG unit are going to be working diligently to curb what has plagued our city and this area for years.”

ISP began conducting enforcement details in May 2019.



Individuals in Compliance


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2019 (Enforcement details began in May)



ISP enforcement efforts focus on those individuals who are most likely to be a safety risk. For example, during the blitz ISP was notified by Centralia Police Department of an aggravated assault at a local establishment. The suspect was experiencing mental health issues and threated to hit a victim with the handle of the firearm he had. After charges of Aggravated Assault were filed, ISP revoked and recovered the individual’s FOID card along with the firearm, and confirmed there were no other firearms at the individual’s home.

Also, during the enforcement blitz, ISP assisted the Carbondale Police Department in its investigation of a man whose firearm was recovered after a shooting in public housing. Officers interviewed the man and he confessed to the shooting. The man also admitted to unlawfully transferring a firearm to an individual he knew was carrying the firearm without a valid FOID card or concealed carry license. After being arrested on a class 4 felony, ISP revoked the individual’s FOID card and recovered an AR15 rifle and two semiautomatic handguns.

In addition to its own efforts, ISP is providing up to $2 million in grants to local law enforcement agencies for firearms enforcement through Public Act 102-0237. Local law enforcement agencies interested in a collaborative effort to reduce and prevent illegal possession and use of firearms, firearm related homicides, and other violent crimes are eligible to apply for a grant.

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