Budzinski Addresses Murder of Sonya Massey on House Floor

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Monday night, Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) spoke from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to call for justice following the death of Sonya Massey at the hands of a former Sangamon County Sheriff's Department Deputy.

Budzinski’s remarks can be found below:

“On July 6th, Sonya Massey dialed 911 seeking safety. But instead of receiving help, she was met with fatal gunfire from an officer of the law.

“Like everyone who has seen the body camera footage of her final moments, I am shocked, horrified and heartbroken. This was an appalling act of senseless violence that strikes at the core of our humanity.

“I stand here today, echoing the voices of my constituents in Springfield and Americans nationwide, demanding justice and accountability. We must confront and end the use of excessive force against unarmed people of color in this country.

“My heart goes out to Sonya's children, her family, and all who loved her. They deserve answers, and they deserve to see an end to this systemic issue.

“Sonya Massey should be alive today. We owe it to her memory to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again.”

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Gov. Pritzker Statement About Sonya Massey Shooting

SPRINGFIELD — Governor JB Pritzker issued the following statement in response to the announcement of charges in the death of Sonya Massey:

“Sonya Massey was concerned for her safety and called law enforcement to her home for protection. Like all Illinoisans, she deserved that protection. Instead, innocent and unarmed, she was gunned down by an officer of the law. My heart breaks for Sonya’s children, for her family and friends and for all who knew and loved her, and I am enraged that another innocent black woman had her life taken from her at the hands of a police officer. I’m grateful to the Springfield State’s Attorney’s office for bringing the appropriate charges in this case. May Sonya Massey’s memory be a blessing, and may it fuel our work to build a system of justice in this country that truly protects all of its citizens.”

Attorney General Raoul Statement On Release Of Body Camera Footage Showing Sonya Massey Shooting

CHICAGO – Attorney General Kwame Raoul issued the following statement regarding the release of officer-worn body camera footage showing the fatal July 6 shooting of Sonya Massey by a former Sangamon County Sheriff’s deputy.

“The body camera footage is horrific, and I offer my deepest sympathy to Sonya Massey’s family as they relive a moment no family should experience. As the community reacts to the release of the footage, I urge calm as this matter works its way through the criminal justice system.

“In Illinois we have made sure that the law mandates independent investigations after officer involved shootings. In this matter it appears that the investigation by the Illinois State Police and the subsequent referral to the Sangamon County State’s Attorney’s office have complied with the letter and spirit of the law by providing the appropriate transparency and moving toward accountability.”

Statement by Secretary of State Alex Giannoulias About Sonya Massey Shooting

The killing of Sonya Massey is inexcusable, disgraceful and an abhorrent disregard of basic humanity. Sonya’s murder is a heartbreaking injustice against her, her loved ones and all who see themselves represented in her story. She was a mother, daughter and a human being whose memory will not be forgotten.

As a society, we must come together to demand accountability and justice, and to ensure that tragic and senseless acts of violence at the hands of those who are charged with serving and protecting no longer take place.

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