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Meet the Principal Series Part 2:

EDWARDSVILLE - This school year marks the largest turnover in administrative positions the Edwardsville School District has seen. Most of these changes were due to retirements with a few administrators making moves to other districts. These new positions yield a number of new faces with whom families may not be familiar. Now more than ever, with the change in the educational landscape to hybrid schedules and remote learning, it is important for a community to know the people leading their teachers and children. and EdGlen will be hosting a series titled “Meet the Principal” to help readers become acquainted with these new faces.

The administrative role is a crucial one and the strength of the building administrator is especially critical to the success of a school district. An administrator sets the tone for a building, builds its culture, and sets expectations for teaching and learning and the current team of administrators leading the helm in District 7 could not be stronger.

Tiana Montgomery, Principal Albert Cassens Elementary School

Tiana Montgomery is the new principal at Albert Cassens Elementary School, a 3rd – 5th-grade center. Ms. Montgomery is definitely not new to an administrative role, however. Her 15 years as a school administrator, eleven in the Alton School District and three years with Shiloh, have prepared her well for her position at Cassens Elementary School.

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Tiana’s most recent past experience was in Shiloh Village School District #85. She spent three years as the principal of a small PK – 3rd-grade building. Her 280 students at Shiloh pale in comparison to the 464 students she is now responsible for at Cassens. When asked what she saw as the biggest differences between her past experience at Shiloh and her new role, Ms. Montgomery says that it is definitely the support she has in District 7 with a large administrative team. (In Shiloh, Tiana was the only elementary administrator!) She is thankful for the opportunity to be able to call on her fellow administrators, either at Hadley House or principals in other buildings when she needs a sounding board or a question answered.

“What I love most about Cassens Elementary is how resilient our students and staff have been this year. Not only did they have to face the challenge of Covid-19, but they also had to welcome a new principal and assistant principal - and that isn’t always an easy thing to do.” Ms. Montgomery is extremely thankful for her office staff as they have been the constant in the principal’s office and they are always there to support her through the large learning curve a district the size of Edwardsville presents. “The teachers and staff at Cassens are supportive, compassionate and dedicated to helping. Over the course of this year, I have watched my staff overcome many obstacles and step outside of their comfort zones.”

It only takes a few minutes of speaking with Tiana to find that she is a relationship builder. She spoke of a moment in a grocery store where a student followed her, in secret, around the store, hiding behind displays and dashing between aisles. When she “caught” the student, he was shaking with excitement of the thought of seeing his principal in public. Holding back a hug in times of a pandemic was not an easy thing to do for this little one!

Ms. Montgomery loves building positive relationships with the staff, students and families she serves. “Those positive relationships are the foundation of collaboration, success and support for all and have lasting impacts.”

One of Ms. Montgomery’s fondest memories as an educator was when her past students took part in creating a very special keepsake for her. “The thought, time and effort that went into the project were so heartfelt. It helped me realize that no matter how long or short you are in people’s lives, you have the power to make an impact on others and hopefully, it’s one that they will forever hold close to their hearts.” That type of impact is exactly what Tiana Montgomery is achieving at Cassens Elementary.

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