Brian Trust

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ALTON - In the most recent episode of “You’re Beautiful” with Brian Trust, Trust spoke about the show and the value of building a relationship with God.

Trust’s podcast premieres at 2 p.m. on Thursdays on In every episode, he talks about his growing faith and his friendships with other Christians. He also shares how his relationship with Christ has helped him change as a person. The goal of “You’re Beautiful” is to help other people build that relationship.

“I want to connect with you so you can have the same vibe, the same joy, the same peace,” Trust said. “If you want to get this glow about you, create a relationship. Get to know Him. That’s the whole purpose of the show. I want to share what I am feeling. I want you to have it.”

Trust encouraged listeners to consider the song “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson. He pushed people to look at themselves and think about their relationship with Christ. Even if you just spend ten minutes a day in prayer, Trust argued, you are worth this time and deserve to spend those minutes with God.

In every episode, Trust is transparent about his own growth. He doesn’t know scripture, and he is still developing his faith. Most recently, he noted that he isn’t perfect, but his relationship with Christ has made him a better person.

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“When you look in the mirror and you’re ready to make a change, God never gave up on you. Thank goodness He’s never given up on me,” Trust explained. “I just started working on myself, becoming a better person, which then became a better husband, a better father, a better employer. I don’t understand the universe, the chemistry, the karma, but I can’t make this up, guys. I feel like a better person. My employees, my family, they recognize a difference and it cost me nothing but investing in me, the man in the mirror.”

He hopes to see other people do the same thing. No matter who you are or what your experiences are like, Trust believes you can have a relationship with God that is fulfilling and powerful.

Trust shared that he is very in tune with his “flesh life,” and he often makes decisions that are focused on the flesh rather than the spirit. But he’s trying to be more “obedient” and hold himself accountable. He knows he can trust in God that he will be forgiven.

“My life is beautiful even if I mess up,” he said. “I serve a mighty God who is forgiving.”

He encourages everyone to pray to God, ask for forgiveness, and speak to him like you would a parent. This is how to build a relationship, he said.

As Trust completes more episodes of “You’re Beautiful,” he is clear about his own expectations for the show. He hopes to help people build their relationship with God, and he challenges them to look in the mirror and go from there.

“I’m not shoving church down your throat. You haven’t even heard me say anything about scripture. I’m talking, first, a relationship with Jesus,” he added. “If you go to church, that’s a bonus. If you go to a Bible study, that’s a bonus. But remember, it starts with a challenge.”

You can watch or listen to “You’re Beautiful” with Brian Trust at 2 p.m. on Thursdays on

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