JERSEYVILLE - Jerseyville Mayor Kevin Stork reminded residents on Tuesday not to engage with any solicitors who don’t have a valid permit from the city. The mayor said residents have raised concerns about door-to-door solicitors who made “changes to their electrical bills without their knowledge.” Jerseyville Mayor Kevin Stork

Residents should ask any solicitors who come to their door to show them their permit from the city - if they don’t have one, the mayor said not to engage with them, but to inform the Jerseyville Police Department.

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“We’ve had some residents of the community call about solicitors coming door-to-door,” Stork said. “Some have actually made some changes to their electrical bills without their knowledge.

“We just want to put it out there to the public that … these are to be permitted people by the city, they do a background check with the Police Department, they pay for the privilege to come and solicit in the city, and it’s a per-day [permit]. So if anybody comes to your door, ask for the permit/if they are permitted. If they’re not, then please don’t engage with that person because they have not been vetted by our police.”

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According to the Jerseyville City Code, any and all solicitors “must obtain a license from the City of Jerseyville and pay [a] license fee after having completed a background check with the Police Department.”

The code also strictly limits the hours for solicitation to “only” Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It also states that “residents should always ask to see a solicitor’s City of Jerseyville issued license at the first initial contact.”

The mayor concluded by saying the city has not issued any solicitation permits at this time.

“That said, we currently have no one in the community that is permitted to be soliciting at this time, so if anybody’s in your neighborhood, they shouldn't be,” Stork said. “If you do experience somebody at your door that’s not permitted, you can call the Jerseyville Police Department and they will address the issue for you.”

Any solicitors without permits can be reported to the Jerseyville Police Department at (618) 498-2131.

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