SPRINGFIELD - State Rep. Monica Bristow, D-Alton, issued the following statement after being sworn in to represent the 111th District of Illinois on Wednesday: “It is an honor and privilege to serve the people of the Riverbend region, and it is not a responsibility that I take lightly. I greatly appreciate the trust that the people of the 111th district have put in me, and this year marks a new start to Illinois government. One that will help support our middle-class families, protect workers and small businesses and provide real solutions to real problems.

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“My focus remains on ensuring that we have a strong local economy, and I will continue to put forth efforts that prioritize local companies and employees over foreign or out of state corporations. Errors from the past administration have cost Illinois thousands of jobs and damaged critical services that people in our state rely on. I intend to work with my colleagues, both Republican and Democrat, to enact commonsense solutions that help grow our region and better Illinois as a whole.”

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“We must get our fiscal house in order, which is the critical first step in transforming our state into a place that welcomes businesses and provides them with the resources to prosper. Our tax dollars need to remain in Illinois and be put towards the services and programs that Illinois families rely on, like education, our healthcare systems, and public safety. We also must address the opioid epidemic that has ravaged downstate Illinois and claimed countless lives. I, along with my Metro East colleagues, am continuing to work with local leaders on comprehensive solutions to help end this crisis.

“None of these issues have easy solutions and will require difficult decisions. After several years of the can being kicked down the road, we must all work together to help solve the problems that our state faces. I stand ready with my colleagues of the 101st General Assembly to make those decisions to make Illinois a better place to live and work in.”


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